Want To Know Why You Are Frustrated With Online Dating Or Still Haven't Started?
I know why and I can help!

Look Inside, check out the first two
video chapters of E-rresistibility FREE.
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This is me laying it bare for you.
It is my personal, behind-the-scenes, top secret strategies + plans + surprising thought processes + methods to inspire him to creative romantic gestures + first emails + first date protocols + sneaky ways to create unforgettable magical dating experiences + the challenges that can come up + solutions to those challenges + all the messy stuff in-between.
I’ve organized all this goodness into 13 interactive video chapters of classified for-your-eyes-only information. Plus 5 bonuses that I know you will love.
Expect folio worksheets + exercises + ‘dos and don’ts’ for the creation of your magically badass dating experiences.
This isn’t your typical information you can find by Google searching or reading random webpages about online dating. And it’s certainly not information you’re going to get from your friends.
It is concrete, step-by-step video instructions on how to set up a perfect-for-you online dating profile and how to go about attracting, conversing with, meeting and inspiring adoration by wonderful men online. All while being your authentic self.
Most women, even the smartest of them all have no clue what they are doing online. Which is why it gets such a bad rap.
STILL, I also know that online dating has the best and largest pool of available smart, successful, single men. And I am bound and determined to help you avoid inbox crickets (no-one contacting you) or real life crazies (aka mentally-off guys). (Your odds of getting those results go up when you put out a boring or bland profile.)
Craft an online dating profile that mesmerizes high-quality men- showcasing your loveable quirks, while creating lots of intrigue. (ooh!)
Avoid the top 5 mistakes that most women make when writing their profiles. (Yikes!)
Make your profile photos look utterly smashing, with simple lighting + self-portraiture techniques. (And you get top ideas for what to wear!)
Receive higher quality messages from men that you’d actually be interested in.
Respond to your first round of online dating messages - without getting lost in the deluge.
Learn how to make the first move, if you choose - online + off- and go beyond the initial ‘wink’ with confidence.

Plan unforgettable first dates that build trust + intimacy - instead of utter boredom.
Inspire men to up their game- by issuing challenges + setting up playful obstacles.
Create your very own Mantourage - and explore your options with men without losing your marbles!
Play with chemistry + explore your own desires - without toying with his heart.
Say ‘No’ to a second or third date - while still making the guy feel respected + appreciated
Plus much much more

CHAPTER 2- The Underpinnings of the Adored Woman Online
This most important chapter to creating everything you want. This chapter will teach you and take you through the most fundamental excise to creating an E-rresistible profile that sets you apart from the thousands of other women online dating in all the right ways.
CHAPTER 4- The Adored Woman's Calling Card: Part 1 'About Me'
Arguably, the most important part of your profile. Here we are going to teach you to put together the perfect 'about you' section.
Using tested templates, you will craft the first part of your profile that captivates his attention while drawing a picture of what it is like spending time with you. Even if you think you suck at writing or talking about yourself.
Plus 4 Romantic-Destiny-Changing Bonuses
Bonus Gift #1
A Video Copy of Jenn’s Private Client's eHarmony Profile
As an expert in online dating, I charge thousands of dollars to put together a profile I know will draw in the attention of the right type of men for my private clients.
For the first time ever, I am letting E-rresistibility customers see a copy of how I personally put eHarmony profiles together. Plus I am sharing eHarmony tips/tricks/tools to help you make the most of your online dating experience.
Bonus Gift #2
E-rresistible Subliminal Audio + Evening Guided Visualization
Ready to supercharge your online success with men? This special subliminal audio was created with the most powerful mantras to help you shift your mindset as you become an Adored Woman. It will help you upgrade your thoughts and, when combined with your online efforts, makes attracting high quality, incredible men easy-peasy as well as a lot of fun.
Plus, you’ll get my evening guided visualization developed to increase your comfort with being so adored. (It takes a strong woman in the right frame of mind to have so much good happening:-)
Bonus Gift #3
Chemistry: The Adored Woman’s Secret Weapon
Chemistry is one of those things people believe either exists or it doesn’t, and either happens immediately or not at all. This bonus demystifies the whole notion of chemistry and shows you how to turn up the heat with any man you choose, in an easy – and fun – way.
NOW I know the bonuses I’ve already told you about are really freakin’ great, but I do have
and yes I am going to keep it a secret, because I LOVE SURPRISES.
Okay, Okay I’ll give you a hint…
this bonus is about undercover hotties, and a very important communication strategy to have him begging to get to know you more.
BUT THAT’S ALL I AM SAYING… the good stuff awaits when you register.
Lovergirl, the good news is that all of our class packages come with E-rresistibility included. Which means you get to pick what package makes sense for your love life.
Sweet & Simple. The best part: This will DRAMATICALLY tip scales of love in your favor.
Let’s recap what you’re getting:
- 13 Interactive Video Chapters to watch on your own time frame
- Interactive Folios: worksheets to brainstorm, layout and plan your online dating profile/photos
- Audio Transcripts: For commuting, or good ol’ fashioned reading
- 3 Bonuses + 1 SURPRISE Bonus which include:
- A Copy Of Jenn’s Private Clients eHarmony Profile
- Chemistry: The Adored Woman’s Secret Weapon
- E-rresistible Subliminal Audio/Evening Guided Visualization
I acknowledge that many women wouldn’t mind having an expert profile writer look over her E-rresistible profile masterpiece.
So I created a super sweet bonus gift for your package purchase to upgrade your online dating experience.
I will look over your newly put-together E-rresistible profile, and shoot you a video outlining what works in the profile and what you might consider tweaking. That means you get the necessary feedback you need to get the right kind of attention online. I will also help you select the five best photos to use. (You may submit up to 10.)
All of our packages include your expert profile evaluation to upgrade your online dating experience.
“Thank you so much you are an amazing star. With E-rresistibility I have more interest than I can handle and others that are wanting to message me on eHarmony…” Update: “My life has exploded with joy and happiness as I can honestly say that the man of my dreams has landed right into my heart. He is everything I asked for and more. He writes me poetry, he takes me places I have never been, loves me unconditionally and has swept me off my feet.”
Samantha, Australia
"Better Than Therapy
You need this. This loving, interactive, supportive program is like me and a bottle of wine - no, actually, it's got much better strategies than me and a bottle of wine. After you go through all the awesome sections and fill out the questionnaires, you will feel so damn good about yourself. That alone is worth it.
I LOVE the visualizations. I listen to them every night. I don't know exactly what's happening there but I have been getting compliments daily since I started this program.
When I started this program, I was worried about a relationship that seemed to be slipping away. I have learned not to approach dating like my career; as a goal driven process. Instead, I enjoy flirting, dating, and I look at time spent on dates as fun, not as a means to an end. It has helped in the relationship that was floundering - and I'm still keeping my options open with an online profile and going on dates."
Laura, California
"Challenging, fun, never boring!
This program taught me a LOT about how much power I have in my dating life. I can't control everything, but I can take charge of my own romantic destiny and happiness. This program gave me the framework and the tools to do that.
I can re-enter dating with a firm foundation of resources, tools, strategies, and mantras, rather than "winging it" like last time. I feel like I'm in charge of my dating life, rather than a victim of it."
Allison, Mexico
“I’d been doing online dating for 4 years and had some success with my profile, but I’ll admit I wasn’t too crazy about my profile and the men contacting me just weren’t inspiring me to want to actually meet them. Then I signed up for the E-rresistibility program and used the step by step guide to rewrite my profile, and whoa, mama! My new profile showcased my personality and I had interesting men contacting me and they were inspired to be more creative in their first message and it led to some creative offers for fun first dates.
Not only did my new profile attract the kind of attention I was hoping for, but I was so proud of what I wrote that I was showing it to my friends, bragging about my fantastic new profile. Some of my potential suitors were even complimenting my writing, which delighted me! I would never been able to write such an amazing profile without the help of E-rresistibility.
The increased attention that the new and improved profile attracted has led to a number of dates and most of them were exactly what I had hoped for – fun and exciting dates with men that were well spoken, which meant the conversation was lively, and even though they were from all different professional fields, they all had one thing in common – they treated me like a lady. I fully attribute the change in the type of men that were messaging me to the new profile, because it clearly states that I’m a lady who likes to have fun and you have to bring your A game! Thank you Jenn!”
Lola, TX
You will love this if:
You’re out and about, yet your social life isn’t yielding the kind of men you desire (not to mention that online you’ve encountered your fair share of weirdos, creeps and ickies...and nice, but boring, guys or you hear the steady chirping of crickets in your inbox).
All your friends are married and have kids and you’re not in college anymore, so you don’t have wingwomen to go out with and meet fantastic men.
Your romantic routine is non-existent: the chances of you meeting someone on your couch when you get home from work are slim to none.
You’ve been out of the dating game for a while (maybe years!) and you have no idea where to start.
You believe men and women are equal but whether you’re more traditional or a hard core feminist, you still like the idea of being adored by a man you’re insanely attracted to.
You know you’re smart, strong and can be as super successful as any man, but it hasn’t yielded you the love you crave.
You’re tired of all the bland, boring, formulaic love advice out there that still leaves you alone on a Saturday night.
You’re super busy and want step-by-step help getting set up for the most epic online dating adventures without the extra ruffles and fluff (unless it’s a feather tickling from a hot sexy genius man).
You are determined to meet the right person for you this year.
You will hate this if:
You don’t like bacon. (Well you might, but I am not making any promises;-)
You don’t like the idea of men treating you like an adored woman.
You aren’t ready to let go of the patterns that are keeping you stuck and single.
You are committed to believing all men are lying, cheating, disappointing f%cktards.
You want the fairy tale without the steamy, naughty sex that goes with it.
You think your brilliant romantic life won’t start until you lose 10 lbs, give up smoking, and become the woman you think men want.
You’d rather spend Saturday night crying about the scraps of attention he pays you instead of getting your hot buns on a hot date with a new delicious man.
You are committed to being a victim...in every situation with men.
You think your private life is so VIP you won’t share a picture online. Even in a hidden profile.
You can’t HANDLE the truth (about your love life)!
You’d rather spend $ on junk food, clothing or other stuff to justify or escape the fact that you haven’t yet found someone who will love, adore, and cherish you the way you want, for a lifetime.
“Totally Freakin’ Awesome! This was the best money I ever spent towards dating and relationships. E-rresistibilty makes online dating not only more easily navigable – but totally FUN! I loved writing my kick-ass
(and e-rresistible!) profile.”
Chel, Ohio
“Exhilarating, Freeing, Confidence Building
This is something that will challenge you to look at yourself in a new light. It will help you to explore how amazing you are and how much you have to offer. It will also help you set up the right men, the type of man you’re looking for, to approach you and rise up and be the great man you’re looking for...
The program helped me describe myself in an exciting way, without too many words, and with the right amount of intrigue left to the imagination for him."
Jenifer, Kansas
“Inspiring, hopeful, educational
Buy it, it is worth every cent because it's fun and gives you an advantage over other women in that the men you attract are much higher quality and makes online dating so much more fun. Also, recommending what site to join and weed through that was very helpful.
Mantourage Dating™ was very enlightening and it actually does help you figure out what and who you like. The photoshoot, I was not convinced at first, but it turned out to be fun and give me much more confidence and besides that is did also make more high quality men respond to my profile.
Jami, Utah
My promise to you, Your Royal Hotness,
If you go through E-rresistibility,The Adored Woman’s Step-By-Step Course To Creating An Online Dating Profile That Leads To Offline Love & Romance and put the lessons into action, you will be beautifully prepared with an incredible online profile to dive into the world of online dating — for the first time, or the fiftieth time.
You’ll have powerful tools + practical scripts to navigate the online dating waters with ease. You’ll be inspired to flirt, tease + play with the fabulous new men in your life.
So hot. So very, very hot.
You’ll fill your diary with magical experiences + exhilarating first dates (and seconds and thirds after you go through our Chapter 11 lesson).
And your confidence + magnetism will flood into every area of your life.
It’s a big promise. I know. But I’ve seen our lessons in motion, with tons of women (not to mention me). And this program? It’s a goldmine worth thousands more than the package for you price tag.
“Fun, informative & accessible. Online dating can feel so difficult to navigate and intimidating when you don’t know what to do or where to start. With E-rresistibility’s help I went from next-to-zero online interest and dates so disastrous they had to be experienced to be believed, to more interest than I knew what to do with. I went from being ignored online to turning down dates with some really good looking, bright and successful looking men because I got to choose which men I really wanted to spend my time with. I am now in an exclusive relationship with a lovely man who romances me, buys me flowers and sweeps me off my feet every time I’m with him.
I work long hours in a different time zone and with E-rresistibility I loved that I could work through each segment of the course at my own pace and in my own time, and that the audios were brimming with so much information and material. The website was so much fun to navigate too, a little like opening a sweet box.
I will never go back to feeling daunted by dating ever again, ever ever ever.”
Katie, UK
“Brilliant, Informative and To The Point…This is a step by step course to get you started in online dating. It’s light but full of very useful information on which site to use to how to initiate contact with a man on line and every step in between. I love the scripts & examples in each section.
I now feel prepared and ready to online date and have fun while I’m doing it. I don’t feel clueless, it’s like having someone virtually hold my hand through the online dating process and experience.”
Margarita, FL
Finally Lovergirl,
Apparently this is where I am supposed to tell you that you are doomed to solitude if you don’t give me your money now.
That you’ll miss out on amazing men and will spend your life alone as a crazy cat lady. So BUY BUY BUY. But that’s not how I roll. (Besides, I love cats.)
This is Winston. Lots of cat loving happening in these parts.
“To show off my whimsical, sparkly, fun and funky side and expect it to attract men’s attention is terrifying, exhilarating, CRAZY! I feel like I’ve jumped out of an airplane and the parachute is about to open – all adrenaline and addictive as hell. It is helping me to allow good things, the things I truly want, to enter my life.”
-Elizabeth, LA
“Because this was my first experience with writing an online profile I can honestly say I looked upon the task with absolute dread. Some of my struggles included fear, insecurity, and being completely in the dark on where to begin or even end. This task seemed as impossible as climbing Mt Everest without oxygen! Now, for the first time, I feel CONFIDENT with the process of online dating. Amazing!”
Lynette, LA
Frequently Asked Questions
Jenn Burton is the creator of Single Smart Female, Have Him Your Way.com, Online Dating Expert/Profile Writer, and Romantic Fairy Godmomma for Smart Ambitious Single Women all around the world.
After years of dysfunctional relationships & crappy dating experiences, Jenn decided to take matters into her own hands by developing a dating method to create the most magical experiences that lead to love.
Through the reach of her online courses and private coaching, Jenn has successfully taught single professional women from around the globe how to create the love life they are secretly wishing for step by step, while never compromising their genuine self.
As a professional online profile writer, she loves using online dating to help her clients meet men. (And she is really freakin good at it too!) These days, Jenn exclusively works with single women who want it all: career, success, & to be loved, adored & romanced... She can show you how to draw in stable, fun, witty, loving men that you will be insanely attracted to through Mantourage Dating™. Magic included, no evil step-sisters required.
Jenn lives in Romantic Fairy Godmomma-ville, Texas, with her husband and their gorgeous kiddo.
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©Jenn Burton, Have Him Your Way, Single Smart Female 2012 To Present, All Rights Reserved